Saturday, 31 October 2009

are traditional weddings ebbing away?

I was just thinking the other day how few traditional weddings (chapel/church ceremony specifically) I have been to over the last 4-5 years. More often than not we seem to be glad we are under one roof the whole time and can go back to our hotel room to use our own toilet!! Loads of my friends who did the big bash years ago say now they would do it different as they would go abroad and get married on a beach or Vegas! This is not true of people like my mum and dad as they would not swap what they had. 30+ years ago traditional was the only way really as there where no alternatives to speak of. I think the abundance of choice is what stands weddings apart as there are no limits or restrictions on what you can do. In many ways people expect a really personal experience at a wedding as it is almost a given to expect the unexpected. To be honest I think people are having to work even harder to have original ideas and things that are going to shock and surprise. Cupcakes wedding cakes are still in that quirky bracket which I think is to their credit as they do have more personality than the cake - maybe it's the greater numbers!! I have done a couple of wedding fairs and there is a marked difference about how people react to cupcakes versus traditional cake - I get the impression that cupcakes are seen as a little daring as a choice and I like this. You do also spot those poor brides who have to look for approval from their parents before they can show any enthusiasm - shame eh! In 5 years time we could see a resurgence in big traditional weddings as fashion is fickle! Would love to hear about the wedding you had but maybe didn't want, or the wedding you want and can't have for whatever reason.

1 comment:

  1. We'll be keeping it sweet and simple!
    Nice thoughts Annie...and I think I agree with what you were saying on the other post about Wedding Fairs being a nice day out for some. I guess you would have to assess how much, if any, business you actually generated from being there with your goods on show (so to speak....).
    Weddings, and the expectations of them, have changed so much.
